Two Year Old Curriculum Goals
Introduction to colors and shapes
Language development (vocabulary and word usage)
Introduction to literature
Letter awareness
Environmental exploration
Sensory experimentation
Expand development of small and gross motor skills
Development of a spiritual awareness of Jesus’ love in everyday life
Learn to adapt to a school environment
Learn boundaries
Learn to be kind and respectful to others (sharing, taking turns, manners)
Provide an accepting nurturing environment that fosters self-esteem, independence and confidence

Three Year Old Curriculum Goals
Continues and expands on all of the Two Year Old Goals as well as:
Appreciation of literature 
Letter identification and phonemic awareness
Social exploration (beginning Science and Social Studies)
Development of Math skills (counting, sorting)


Four Year Old Curriculum Goals
Continues and expands on all of the Two and Three Year Old Goals as well as:
Continuing Math skills (number identification)
Beginning writing skills
Beginning independent play and conflict resolution
Preparation for Kindergarten